Offene Online-Sprechstunden für all Ihre Fragen rund um ADAM (ILIAS) inkl. ADAMtools / Open online office hours for all your questions about ADAM (ILIAS) incl. ADAMtools Termine und Informationen zu den Online-Sprechstunden finden Sie unter: Hilfe & Support > Technischer Support & Didaktische Beratung. ++++++++ english version +++++++ Dates and information about the office hours can be found under: Help & Support > Technical Support & Didactic Advice

Becoming a VAMP User


Welcome to the VAMP Introduction Quiz!

Please first Join this course in order to access the quiz below:

Usage Hints

  • Make sure to be logged in to ADAM, otherwise the joining link will not work (and the corresponding button will not show).
  • For logging in, use the door symbol in the top right corner (the one looking like an Exit door).
  • After joining, use the green Test starten / Start test to proceed!

Language Settings  DE/CH ➡ EN/US

The default language settings of ADAM seem to be set to German.

While this doesn't affect the Quiz contents (they're in English anyway), all of the control buttons will be labeled in German.

To change them into English, please use the Settings entry of your user account on the top right.

Accessing the Quiz

Depending on how you arrived here, you might have to navigate explicitly to the test before being able to start it.

In case this sends you back to this page, make sure to Join first (see top of the page).