Offene Online-Sprechstunden für all Ihre Fragen rund um ADAM (ILIAS) inkl. ADAMtools / Open online office hours for all your questions about ADAM (ILIAS) incl. ADAMtools Termine und Informationen zu den Online-Sprechstunden finden Sie unter: Hilfe & Support > Technischer Support & Didaktische Beratung. ++++++++ english version +++++++ Dates and information about the office hours can be found under: Help & Support > Technical Support & Didactic Advice

Anmeldungen Summer School



Please use this application form ONLY if you are enrolled as a regular student at the University of Basel. A separate applica…
Verfügbarkeit: 20. Feb 2025, 11:25 - 17. Mär 2025, 23:55  
Please ONLY use this application form if you are an exchange student (EUCOR, Swiss Mobility, etc.)